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Radon and Health Issues

You cannot taste, smell or see radon yet being exposed to it has been linked to lung cancer. If you smoke and your home has tested high for radon, your risk of lung cancer is even higher.

Radon Gas in Your Home

Any building can have radon. Your home can be new. Your home can be old. It can be drafty or air-tight. Your basement can have 7’ ceilings or you could have no basement.

Three important things to remember are that:

  • Radon is a health risk.
  • Radon testing is easy and inexpensive.
  • Radon can be easily mitigated.

The very best thing about radon is that it is easily tested.

The Maine Radiation Control Program regulates all radon service providers in Maine, and provides lists of those providers to the public. Those lists are available at the Maine Radiation Control Program’s Radon/IAQ
or by calling 1-800-232-0842 or 207-287-5698.